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Goshen County Senior Friendship
Transportation around the Torrington community is offered weekdays from 7:15-4:30. It is best to call ahead for an appointment. For seniors 60 and over, the suggested donation is $2.00 per stop. For those under 60, cost is $2.00 per stop. Wheelchair accessible vans are available for those who need them. Call 532-2796 to schedule an appointment.
We are an origin-to-destination service. We are a drop-off transit service. We can not wait for you to while you are conducting your business. Services beyond the curb will, however, be provided when needed due to a customer's disability and if it safe for both the driver and the customer.
We can also schedule medical rides out of town. Cost is $1.00 per mile and must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance.
Notifying the Public of Rights under Title VI
The Wyoming Department of Transportation operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with the Wyoming Department of Transportation.
For more information on the Wyoming Department of Transportation's civil rights program, and the procedure to file a complaint, please call (307) 777-4457, email: lisa.fresquez@wyo.gov; or visit our administrative offices at 5300 Bishop Blvd., Cheyenne, WY 82209. For more information, visit http://www.dot.state.wy.us/home/business_with_wydot/civil_rights.html.
A complainant may file a complain directly with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Office of Civil Rights, Attention: FTA Region VIII Title VI Program Coordinator, The Byron Building, 1961 Stout St., Suite 13301, Denver, CO 80294; Telephone: (303) 362-2393.
Notificación al Público de los Derechos Garantizados por Título VI
• El Departamento de Transporte del estado de Wyoming opera sus programas y servicios, sin distinción de raza, color y origen nacional, según el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles. Cualquier persona que cree o que ha sido perjudicada por una práctica discriminatoria ilegal bajo el Título VI, puede presentar una queja con el Departamento de Transporte de Wyoming.
• Para obtener más información sobre el programa de derechos civiles del Departamento de Transporte de Wyoming o para obtener más información sobre los procedimientos para presentar una queja, llame al 1-307-777-4457, email: lisa.fresquez@wyo.gov; o visite nuestras oficinas administrativas en 5300 Bishop Blvd. Cheyenne, WY 82009. Para obtener más información, visite http://www.dot.state.wy.us/home/business_with_wydot/civil_rights.html.
• Un demandante puede presentar una queja directamente a la Administración Federal de Tránsito (FTA), Oficina de Derechos Civiles, Atención: FTA Region VIII Title VI Program Coordinator, The Byron Building, 1961 Stout St, Suite 13301 Denver, CO 80294. Teléfono: (303) 362-2393.
ADA Policy and Complaint Process
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990. ADA is Civil Rights legislation requiring that persons with disabilities receive services equal to those provided to nondisabled persons.
It is the policy of Goshen County Senior Friendship Center that the provided transportation services, programs, facilities, and communications, directly or provided by a service contractor, are readily accessible and usable to individuals with disabilities to the maximum extent possible. (49 CFR 37.105)
Goshen County Senior Friendship Center is committed to providing safe, reliable, and accessible transportation options for the community. Goshen County Senior Friendship Center encourages customers wishing to file a complaint can contact Executive Director at 216 East 19th Ave. (mailing PO Box 517), Torrington, WY 82240 or at 307-532-2796 Monday through Friday between 7:30 and 5:00.
La Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA) se convirtió en ley el 26 de julio de 1990. ADA es una legislación de derechos civiles que requiere que las personas con discapacidades reciban servicios iguales a los que se brindan a las personas sin discapacidades. Es la política del Centro de Amistad para Personas Mayores del Condado de Goshen que los servicios de transporte, programas, instalaciones y comunicaciones proporcionados, directamente o proporcionados por un contratista de servicios, sean fácilmente accesibles y utilizables por personas con discapacidades en la mayor medida posible. (49 CFR 37.105)
Goshen County Senior Friendship Center se compromete a proporcionar opciones de transporte seguras, confiables y accesibles para la comunidad. Goshen County Senior Friendship Center alienta a los clientes que deseen presentar una queja a comunicarse con el Director Ejecutivo en 216 East 19th Ave. (enviando po box 517), Torrington, WY 82240 o al 307-532-2796 de lunes a viernes entre las 7:30 y las 5:00.